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Research&Events – Reimagine education

The eZoomBook project was shortlisted for the “Wharton Reimagine Education” Awards! read the article

Shortlisted E-Badge

We would like to thank the American Embassy for their support of our presentation of the eZoomBook project at the “Wharton Reimagine Education” conference in Philadelphia.

Our power point presentation, stating the American Embassy’s support is to be found here : Final-eZoombook-reinventing-education.

Video for the “Reimagine Education” e-guide:


TEDx Centrale Nantes: here

Pictures and videos of the workshophere

Workshop schedule, syllabus and material with BRIO (cf the dedicated page):
-Workshop schedule:
*Feb 26 2014 (4 to 6 PM)
*March 26 2014 (4 to 6 PM)
*April 16 2014 (4 to 6 PM)
-Syllabus: Syllabus-Book-club-BRIO-Charlie

Samples of student production:

eZB tutorials:

Creation of an eZoomBook (and eZoomLayer): a BRIO student’s tutorial

More student tutorial and student video production

Reading Manifesto: here

Press coverage: Press

Student questionnaire and survey on BRIO experience (.docx): Survey-BRIO-experiment

Research articles: Publications

Platform extensions: eZB Further Apps  and eZoomMOOC: eZoomMooc

Competition entry: Competition-peda-innovation

Practical information document for competition entry:Practical-info-document-BRIO-eZB-experiment