Academic articles:
This is an incomplete list of articles related to eZoomBook:
* Patricia Lojkine (U. Maine) : à paraître dans le prochain numéro d’Acta Fabula (
* Carolan, S., Evain C., De Marco, C., “Skimming Content Not Quality”, Nantes, 2012. Here
* Evain C., De Marco, C. Carolan, S., « Le nouveau dispositif ‘eZoomBook’ : perspectives pédagogiques » Martine Vidal ed., Distances, Médiations et Savoir, n°3 (juillet 2013).
* De Marco C., Evain C., “Re-inventing the book: eZoomBooks » (soumis à la revue Learning, Media and Technology).
* Evain C., De Marco C., Guttieriez F., “Enhancing the reading experience through user-generated serious games” (à paraître dans le journal Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series en 2014).
* Carolan, S., Magnin, M., Evain, C, Moreau, G, Chinesta, F. DevelopingModels for Enhanced Learning in Engineering. Proceedings of the 6th Centrale Beihang Workshop, Lille : France. 2012. Here
Articles concerning partners and potential partners in the book industry:
Youboox : article-Libé-13.01.14-Youboox
Research carried out by university students:
Students in different universities and various fields of research are active participants in the eZoomBook project.
Here are some of the reports written by these students which cover some of the work they carried out.
Ecole Centrale de Nantes students:
Chris Chenebault’s report: entreprendre_ezoombook Chenebault
Julien Taillandier and Arthur Regnault also participated in the project in 2013.
Nantes University:
Béatrice Coz et Lizandro Becerra (Master 2 “Didactique des Langues et des Cultures”): memoire Beatrice Coz 2013 and memoire Lizandro
Clémence Morterol and Agathe Eude (Master 2 “Droit de la propriété intellectuelle”): Memoire-Droit-Morterol