The eZoomBook-Baludik Challenge is a pedagogical project run by language teachers throughout the 2017 Winter Semester, addressing their newly arrived international Masters students in Centrale Nantes (engineering school). Students were asked to create geocaching quests in Nantes, combining eBook publishing tool eZoomBook and geocaching app Baludik.
Check out:
– Julie’s Bonniord’s blog article about the workshop and event:
– Padlet of the Masters Business Environment course (Christine):
-Padlet created by the organizers’ team for the eZB-Baludik challenge:
- Results of the questionnaire: Baludik eZoomBook (réponses anonymisées)
- eZB produced : Tableau livres eZB Baludik VF
- Instructions for ZB-Baludik challenge: Myplace4u Presentation Master project
Literature Class Workshop
Our team of English teachers uses the eZoomBook pedagogy in order to promote reading. We organize reading activities and book clubs.
Here is the material used for an Ecole Centrale literature class (RELNA):
Student questionnaire: Here
Pedagogical document: Forsyte-saga-doc-pedago
eZoomLayer Forsyte Saga Book I part I: Quotes-The-Forsyte-saga
Tips for your assignment & vocal example for Book I part I: FAQ-project-Forsyte-Saga
Carnet de bord: Mon-carnet-de-bord-eZB
The group coordinators are responsible for assigning 2 chapters to the students of their group.
Here is an example of the approach used in 2013 for a book club entitled “Lord of the Flies”: Syllabus Book club Centrale